sunday, 26 june 2022...
Henrietta's birthday came upon them suddenly, with comparatively small fanfare considering last year's event - instead of a trip taken across the Pacific, Henri had opted for the Atlantic and a slew of tour dates that took her across the European Union and beyond. With one set of promotions behind him and the next (again, comparatively) in the distant future, Leroy had opted to join Henri for her tour while he could - putting them both in Glastonbury for her 27th birthday. The setting was much the same as it had been since he'd joined: the amenities of Apfelbienen had been provided for her green room (including the green sofa from the communal space in their home, a quilt provided by Opa, and the pillows that typically adorned their bed) and Roy wore an outfit that vaguely matched hers in its own Solar Powered way. There was one thing that stood out today, however- post show, when they were alone together, Roy presented Henri with a stack of five black Moleskine journals. They were clearly used, the binding showing signs of wear, the journals puffing out at the edges, papers bloated with ink. Along the top of each journal was a rainbow of post-it notes, marking certain pages of significance. Leroy hands the stack to Henrietta, uttering a quiet (and slightly sheepish) happy birthday as he brings forth a catalogue of the last few years, every time he wrote about Henri now open to her.

2014 2015 2016 2017
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