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By Emilia Varrow
March 5, 2021

Paris Fashion Week gets a dose of upcycled sparkle from Abfall, a brand whose mission statement emphasizes "sustainable glamor". For Spring 2021, Abfall introduced a no-waste fabric technique that involved creating garments made from rectangles, and continues to use deadstock crystals and beads (provided by a partnership with Swarovski) that would otherwise be headed for a landfill.

Bringing back beads is the centerpiece for Abfall's Fall 2021 collection. Beaded panels based on muscle anatomy, pearled chains, and feathered accents that make for a unique daywear look. It's taken Abfall several seasons to perfect their beading technique, and it comes as no surprise that they've made their way into nearly every look.

"When we think sustainability there's this tendency to default on linens and beige, but that doesn't have to be the norm." Says Creative Director Roy Sommer, who launched Abfall in 2018. "You can make these really glamorous pieces from materials that already exist. Sustainable doesn't have to mean neutral. It can be beautiful, eye catching, and weird."

Abfall has dressed a variety of performers from Björk and Kylie Minogue, and is an up and coming favorite in the Korean pop industry. For Abfall, good design means movement, sparkle, and a clever use of materials. "A lot of the fabrics and embellishments we use are leftover from other collections. Fast fashion feeds on "trends", and in order to be truly sustainable you have to ascend past these archaic concepts."


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