roisummer Follow

Leon's Vine (@leonsommer) 10.1.2016
just a reminder that you don't forget the reason for the season which is this video of roy carving the fucking ugliest pumpkin known to man

#roy sommer #halloween #look at this fucking baby tbqh

1,681 notes

pinksorbet Follow

Not Tonight (Sam x Roy)

Request: Could you write something where Sam and Malte used to date and now Sam likes Roy but Roy won't cross the streams lmao you know what I mean!!! And like angsty - anon

Warning/s: fluff, angst, smut, character death (not sam or roy!!)
Pairing/s: sam toomey x roy sommer and implied sam x malte sommer and also mentions of naz x roy
Word count: 1350
A/N: basically the request but i decided to throw naz in there bc i love her and roy's friendship and wanted to include some tweets. enjoy!!! 😊

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#roy sommer #sam toomey #naz #malte sommer

25 notes

maltesnips Follow

anonymous asked:

did y'all see evan is in london rn i guess him, sam, and roy were seen out at a pub??? I JUST WANT TO KNOW WHO IS DATING WHO

please stop holding onto samevan it's not going to happen i know you're disappointed anon i know you're sad that your favourite brown haired frenchy isn't banging your favourite brunette kiwi but it's time to move on and accept that our beautiful long necked kiwi has chosen the tall dirty blond german with a death wish as his favourite and it's just a fact that all 12 people who will like this post know and accept and please join this forsaken website and become one of us so i can bump that like count up to 13!!!!

#roy sommer #sam toomey #evan engelson

78 notes

sommersuns Follow

"None of us is more valuable than the other. For every lyric I write there's a melody that belongs to Leon or a riff that's completely Jonas'. If it weren't for Noah, we'd be writing slow ballad after slow ballad. I think I've been given a lot of unnecessary credit because I happen to be the one that comes up with the words, but none of us could be anything without the other."

- Roy in one of his first interviews about Sommersöhne (2016)

#roy sommer #leon sommer #jonas sommer #noah sommer #sommersöhne

368 notes

ozean Follow

#sommersöhne #roy sommer #leon sommer #jonas sommer #noah sommer #can't believe they had their own beer cups made for this show i'm still reeling #berlin #sommersöhne und freunde

103 notes

sommersuns Follow

Sommersöhne's Instagram 10.14.2019
The band uploaded a new version of their song Ozean called "Roy's Version". It's just him singing with an acoustic guitar! Watch the full video on YouTube!

#roy sommer #sommersöhne

1,681 notes

dailyroysommer Follow

Sommersöhne's IG (@sommersohne) 10.21.2019
...uploaded with zero context.

#roy sommer #sommersöhne #what is he wearing #is he singing or yelling I CAN'T TELL

597 notes

spaceboi Follow

some photog uploaded this to twitter does anybody even know what it's for....

#roy sommer

1,723 notes

lorrainerain Follow

I met Billy from Stranger Things this summer and I went in to stand next to him for the picture but was visibly shaking and he pulled me in for a hug and I felt so warm!!!

#roy sommer

213 notes

dailyroysommer Follow

Roy Sommer for GQ Germany / Behind the Scenes

#roy sommer

529 notes

summerrr Follow

"Make me work, you know? Physically drain me. Destroy my body. I'll do it. I'll do anything to an extreme. It'll look really good on camera."

- Roy Sommer (during Stranger Things promos, but I think it applies)

#roy sommer #1917

798 notes

princessass Follow

Nobody dies (Roy x Evan)

Request: ok this is a big one but can you write a spy au that's got all our faves sam roy kat jo evan (please make the final pairing roy and evan) naz but have evan in love with milo but then realize he wanted the other tall blond all along????? - anon

Warning/s: drama, mentions of sex, like a billion characters
Pairing/s: sam/kat, roy/evan, evan/milo, milo/naz, naz/sam
Word count: 2109
A/N: I am never taking a request this big again and just so you know they are all the WORST spies.

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#roy sommer #sam toomey #evan engelson #milo roth #naz #jo renault #kat blanton

68 notes

dailyroysommer Follow

Roy Sommer for GQ Germany / On stands November 2019!!

#roy sommer #the second one makes me want to die it's so HIM

452 notes

roisummer Follow

"I'm stupidly lucky, I think. All of the musicians that I admire - the living ones anyway - I've been able to meet them all. I'll have these little moments where I'm like... I'll listen to Twisted Nation and be like... [Contra] was definitive for me. And now I know what Milo Roth's hugs feel like! I'm in this constant state of meeting these people who've had a profound effect on me emotionally or creatively and then never, ever been disappointed."

- Roy Sommer on being a fanboy and meeting your heroes

#roy sommer #honestly precious

2,401 notes

ilikesommers Follow

Buzzfeed Germany asks: Which of your brothers would you want with you on a deserted island? Oh, I can't say Flora? It has to be a brother? Or did you just forget I have a sister? I don't know! I love them all a lot. I could go down the list I guess but my gut says Malte. He's very strong and very tall and he'd keep calm while I'm freaking out, but he'd also take the time to calm me down. We sound really good when we harmonize together too, so that's entertainment covered. I think I'd pick Malte. Who did he pick? It wasn't me, was it? That's fair, I'm a lot.

#malte sommer #roy sommer #royal fam af

587 notes

roystrash Follow

anonymous asked:

you met roy??? what's he like irl and please be honest???

i met him once on a plane when he and his cousin tif were sitting right in front of me and they would NOT STOP TALKING FOR THE ENTIRE TWELVE HOUR FLIGHT. at first it was cute watching two cousins get along so well but after they didn't shut up 3 hours in i decided u know what if they're gonna interrupt by plane rest i'm going to introduce myself so i did and roy brought a banana on the plane that he gave to me and said "don't worry, i have two" (this is not a lie, he actually shared his plane banana and later on i watched him eat an entire apple including the core)

#roy sommer #tif bogaert

17 notes

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